Since our last blog the kids have maintained their milked fueled march towards a discharge from the hospital to home.
Michelles $65 taxi trips (protocol) to and from home only lasted a short time as a room became available in the same ward as the kids. Now that she is within yelling distance Michelle has been able to take an extremely active role in the day to day caring of the kids.
Sienna is very much like her mother with her dark hair and looks. She has progressed well and has on occassion been able to take a full feed from Michelle although this came to an abrupt end during the weekend which had alot of people scratching their heads. After some tests were run it would appear that Sienna is very much her mothers daughter as she is low in iron. This explains her unusal feeding problems and has been rectified with a small blood transfusion.
Jacob has had another fascinating week of looking at the inside of his eye lids and on occasion wakes to be supplied with more ammunition that he discharges at a frightening rate. Jacob is progressing well with Michelles milkbar and is only being substituted with tube feeds only occasionally now. This has taken a lot of time, effort and dedication from his mum to get him to this stage and he may end up passing on a few tips to his sister to get her up to speed.
Today Jacob and Sienna had the pleasure of meeting Lucas and Ashton who are Michelles twin nephews. Even though this took place from a distance (through a window due to infection control) there looks to be some fun times ahead for these four.